Internal Job Posts

IREAD After School Tutoring-Open to current DES and WES Teachers Only
Dates : February  11, 13, 18, 20, 25, & 27
Time 3:35-4:35

Teacher Responsibilities:

  • Each teacher will plan and teach lessons designed to address skills covered on IREAD 3
  • Utilize student data, (NWEA, School Benchmarks, Unit Data, etc.) to identify areas of need and plan lessons accordingly      
  • Keep accurate attendance records for each tutoring session
  • Serve school provided snack to students
  • Dismiss students to parents at the end of each session, wait with students until parents arrive, and call parent if necessary
  • Make up 15 min of contracted prep time for each session.  This can be done before or after school
  • Communicate with classroom teachers, parents, and administrators.  

Group size - approximately 10 students per teacher
Pay - Each teacher will be paid his or her hourly wage.
Interested teachers should submit a letter of interest to their respective building principal by 1/17/2025.